Monday, October 26, 2009

Diversity in Higher Education (Week 4) - Diversity in Higher Education Tweets

Monday, October 19, 2009

Diversity in Higher Education (Week 3) - Presentations on "Diversity in Higher Education"

If you have links to other recent presentations on diversity in higher education, please let us know! We will post your link in this section.

-The Graduate Education and Research Commission

Monday, October 12, 2009

Diversity in Higher Education (Week 2) - Books on "Diversity in Higher Education"

Here is a list of recent books on "diversity in higher education". At least one member of the Graduate Education and Research Commission has read one of the books below: 

Please ask us any questions! We would love to see your feedback!

*For more information, hover your mouse over the books below.

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Monday, October 5, 2009

Week 5 - Tapping Non-Users for 360 Degree Evaluation

Tapping Non-Users for 360 Degree Evaluation

Over the last 15 years, Student Affairs has made great strides toward a more robust toolkit of assessment and evaluation. What we may be neglecting are the students that do not use our services--the students we never see. Rather than speculate why, surveying (by phone or electronic survey) can net us very useful information to make changes and improvements. By tapping non-users you not only complete a 360 degree feedback of your department (staff and user input are the other two sources), but by surveying, you also are marketing your department and letting students know that you care about their success.

For example, you might discover that some students have a misperception of their study skills expertise and expectations of academic success coming from high school. That information can be useful in marketing your learning center. Including a testimonial from a student interviewed about the difference between academics in high school and college with a listing of your services is more effective. Adding data that the most successful students are the majority who use the Learning Center services seals the deal! Another example is changing office hours and service delivery because commuters, non-traditional and graduate students indicate that closing your office at 5:00pm excludes them from using your services.

Students today are very vocal about what they want and need and are willing to take the time to fill out those comment boxes in your online surveys. Be sure to advertise that you are using student feedback to make changes to encourage future feedback.

Author - Dr. Jan Hillman, Executive Director, Planning and Advancement for Student Development, University of North Texas

Question: What changes have you implemented because you listened to your students?

October 2009 - Diversity in Higher Education (Weeks 1-4)

October's focus is on "Diversity in Higher Education"! This month, we will continue our organizational pattern: current books, recent presentations, youtube clips, and recent tweets.

Great Resources for Diversity & Higher Education:

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools' Diversity Statement -

DiversityWeb - A Resource Hub for Higher Education:

Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education's Guiding Principles for Diversity: